2018 ITY Nor Cal Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) EXACT DATES and updated details TBA March 2018
Step One. Decide on your attendance: The decision to attend is indeed an honor to your community and our program. Participants must submit their registration as soon as possible. Every year this popular program's spaces fill quickly.
Each of our programs accepts a small group of no more than 15 students. It is important we confirm our participants' placement. We are available to assist you with questions and with groups of 3 or more. Contact us at: intertribalyouth@gmail.com
Step Two. Shared Registration Fee: $625 for the 8 days Nor Cal Program 2018 Dates plus $250 for Festival 3 day pass. Total Cost for student/family: $875
Shared Registration Fee Explained: The actual cost of the 1-week (8-day) program estimated at $1300, however, InterTribal Youth provides estimated 35% scholarship match through ITY fundraising efforts and asks that each participant provide the matching 65% of the cost through a “shared registration fee”. Thus, the “shared registration fee” for each participant is $625 for the 1-week (8-day) Nor Cal Program. Family and educational programs accomplish raising the “shared registration fee” through direct support from their community organizations, fundraising, tribal support, TANF, and/or family contribution. If a youth or family has trouble meeting the “shared registration fee” or lack resources, InterTribal Youth will work together with the student, community and family to locate the “shared registration fee”.
Non-refundable deposit: 1st Payment, of $500 is to be submitted with registration form; a registration form are emailed by request (click here)
2nd payment of $375 must be received before July 25, 2016.
(You may also choose to pay both payments at once with registration form; we can invoice too)
First come basis for this program. Deposit guarantees reserved program spot. Spaces are limited to 12 students. A confirmation packet with all details, waivers, and what to bring is mailed/ emailed when registration form and deposit are received
Step Three. Raise the "shared cost” registration fee: Formal or informal requests to family members, community members, Tribal Councils, or business are the first place to start. If needed, ITY can supply a formal letter to assist you, briefly describing our program and point to the fact that this is a "shared cost" and the ITY program matches up to 35% of scholarship cost to attend.
We understand that fundraising may pose a challenge; however, it is an important exercise, skill, which will a) benefit youth throughout their educational career and b) inspire community investment, support of local young people. Families and educational programs accomplish raising the “shared registration fee” through direct support from their community organizations, fundraising, tribal support, TANF, and/or family contribution. If a youth or family has trouble meeting the “shared registration fee” or lack resources, InterTribal Youth will work together with the student, community and family to locate the “shared registration fee”.
If after making a sincere effort, you are struggling with this, please contact us ASAP. You have come a long way already; and we have faith that you can do anything. We want to help. Trips are TAX-DEDUCTABLE and can be written off as a gifted educational donation. Fed Tax ID: 33-0845610.
Step Four: Confirmation: A confirmation packet with details is mailed or emailed within 7 days of your registration form and deposit is received. If for some reason, you choose not to attend after making your final payment, you will be given travel credit (less the $200 non-refundable deposit) with ITY to be used within one year. There will be another opportunity for you. Transportation to/from Nor Call is not included in the Program Fee.
ITY Staff provides pick up/drop off of students at San Diego Airport, Train, or Bus station.
During the programs, all food, lodging, materials, instruction, snacks, program t-shirts, camping excursion and events are included.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Included in program? All lodging, meals, snacks, instructors, logistics, outfitting, in-tour transport, camping excursion and activity fees included. Primary stay is in nice university dormitories, hotels, camping on the California Coastal rivers. Not Included: *Transportation to and from Berkeley, Oakland, CA is not included in the program fee
What is the purpose of this program? Academic Enrichment, Wellness, Arts & Culture, Tribal Interchange, Life Skills and Leadership.
Eligibility and who can attend? Program is designed for Native American youth ages 13-18. We accept youth from all educational backgrounds, regardless of their GPA. Our academic focus is based on a holistic approach. This approach allows youth to easily tap their potential. Historically, each of our youth go on to make a positive contribution to their community and world. Youth primarily come from California, with Native youth also joining us from Arizona, Hawaii, Alaska, Canada and other parts of the nation. We limit our group to 25 youth. This enables the program to provide personal attention and a great mentor/teacher - student ratio. Proof of federal or state tribal enrollment is not required.
Where do participants sleep and what are the arrangements? Accommodations will always be clean, comfortable hotel, university dorms or camping. In dorms, hotel and tents, males and females participants are always separated and chaperoned/supervised 24/7. There are 1.5 staff members to every 4 students.
Leads, Chaperones? Program Director Marc Chavez and experienced adult female lead summer program coordinators will maintain logistics and supervise students along with 5 trained student advisors/mentors hired based on experience working with teens. Most ITY staff are returning from past years. Background checks required.
Airport/Bus pick-up? ITY staff provides courtesy airport, bus, and train station pick-up/drop off.
Keeping in touch with participant, homesickness? In your confirmation packet, ITY will supply direct cell phone numbers to reach ITY staff in case of an emergency. During our camping trip, cell service is patchy. Participants will be allowed to make phone calls on 4 separate nights during the program to call family and be made at the decision of the participant. Homesickness: We have 15 years providing comfort and mentorship while youth are away from families. We have been 100% successful rate in providing a great experience for youth and family, especially during "the first time away from home" experience. We also post pictures and videos to our Native Like Water social media sites. Families can follow their youth's experience. Youth cell phones will be restricted to certain times (TBD) and will not be allowed during instruction times.
Why is there a cost and how is it different from other programs? Consider comparing the cost of a normal 3-day youth conference registration, or cultural music festival. Consider registration fee, hotel, food, and mentorship (or lack of). One can see the obvious value, and decency of the “shared registration fee”. ITY program is not funded through government grants. ITY enrichment is a unique program, maintaining sovereignty over its curriculum and design, providing the services most crucial to Native youth population. ITY is acclaimed as one of the only programs of its kind serving inter-tribal youth with attention to detail, second to none.
Each ITY summer program only services 15-25 youth at a time, allowing each participant to receive personal attention and keep the teacher/mentor student ratio ideal for a learning experience. InterTribal Youth assures that each youth receives a world-class education and exposure to the best resources imaginable. Programs include 1st class accommodations, great food, nutrition, and access to the top ranked universities in the world. Daily curriculum focus is on wellness, culture, writing, storytelling, performance art, and indigenous earth and biological sciences. Our mentors and teachers are accomplished individuals and include young PhD doctoral candidates and guest lecturers known nationally and internationally for their work. With access to this experience, we guarantee an experience of a lifetime.
Are there additional costs? After the registration fee (explained above), there will be no additional costs. Included in the registration fee are all lodging, meals, instructors, logistics, outfitting, tours, program t-shirts, bag, class materials, and activity fees. Spending money will only be needed for gifts, mementos, sharing, etc. There will be program “hoody” sweatshirts available for approximately $40. Transportation to/from San Diego is not included in the program fee.
Payment? Contact us for on-line Credit Card Payments or Invoicing Needs. ITY, Native Like Water, is a program of One World BRIDGE Non-Profit 501c3 and on-line credit card payments will be processed here. Please enter the donation amount you will be putting towards program. A receipt will instantly follow.
Checks/Money Orders are made payable to:
One World BRIDGE - ITY
8 Elm Ave
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Check Memo: Nor CAL 2018, Student Name
Accounting: J.L. Jackson 619.708-7858
Further questions or invoice requests, email: intertribalyouth@gmail.com or call 858-314-8821. Voices messages are returned.
intertribal youth, alactraz, Ohlone sacred land. Learn from the inside out. born free. stay free. learned.