Hawaii Indigenous Exchange Programs:
Water, Warrior Mentorship, Music
"I feel like I'm starting a new life. Looking back I've definitely made a journey much deeper than just physical. My mind is clear, my spirit feels free and I'm physically tired but I cannot wait to go back and start school again. Life is definitely going to be different when I get home". -Tuff Turner, 2015 Ca-HI Exchange Youth; Luiseno Rincon Reservation, San Diego, California
Native Like Water Surf Crew - Na Kama Kai Waterperson Exchange California - Hawaii: February 17-26th, Makaha Beach, Oahu 2023.
Building Ocean Skills and Safety from OG Watermen and Waterwomen. This will directly assist the NLW Surf Fellowship Crew in being better leaders in and out of the water. California Native Surfing and U.S. Coastal Culture gains a deeper overstanding. The waters that connect us.